
Our Mission


“A Key Partnership for a New Era... Planting Seeds for Generational Impact!”

In this new decade of 2020, Catapult Global, Inc. and Catalyst Empowerment Group are partnering with World Shine Ministries in Uganda to bring solutions to issues that impact lives, families, the economy, and the future of the nation of Uganda. We will co-host a cross-generational team of ministers, entrepreneurs, educators, health practitioners, business professionals, and leaders from different sectors of society to bring 12 days of strategic empowerment to Kampala and Rwentobo, Uganda. A great door has opened to expand the CATAPULT UGANDA! mission into different parts of the nation.

Our mandate is to implement the following empowerment programs specifically aimed at (1) building communities through transformational servant leaders, (2) creating generational wealth through sustainable businesses, and (3) restoring holistic health & wellness through:

  • Pastors & Ministers Seminar + Catalyst Leadership & Ministry Institute

  • Young Entrepreneurs Boot Camp + Entrepreneur Incubator

  • Marriage & Family Enrichment + Marriage Ministry Counselor Training Program

  • Holistic Health & Wellness Initiatives to include -

    • Health & Wellness Camps

    • Men’s Empowerment (Mordecai, Arise!)

    • Women’s Empowerment (Esther, Come Forth!)

    • Emerging Leaders Empowerment (The Joshua Generation)


“For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”

— African Proverb